Thread veins
Thread veins are caused by weakness in the collagen in the skin and wall of the vein and blood from larger veins escaping out into smaller ones. They can occur anywhere but are most common in the legs. Especially in women with 50% of women in their 30’s and 90% of women in their 50’s having them. They’re also known as spider veins or broken veins.

Risk factors for thread veins are: female, pregnancy/hormones, genetics, prolonged sitting/standing, inactive lifestyle and obesity. And if you have extensive thread veins – you’re more likely to have varicose veins too. Thread veins are not harmful for your health but can be unsightly and mean we cover our legs up.
Good news though – they can be treated in the clinic using microsclerotherapy.
This involves injecting a sclerosing agent called Fibrovein into each vein using a small needle. This leads to an inflammatory reaction causing the walls of the vein to collapse. This is then absorbed by the lymphatics and the treated veins disappear. Fibrovein can be used for thread veins and small superficial reticular veins (upto 2mm).

Tiny amounts of Fibrovein are injected into each vein or group of veins
🌸 Minimal discomfort
🌸 Legs can look inflamed and bruised for the first 7-10 days but wearing compression stockings aids healing and helps give the best result
🌸 Veins break down and disappear over 6 – 8 weeks
🌸Small veins (<1mm diameter) only require one treatment; larger or more extensive veins require 2 – 4 treatments
🌸Free full assessment of leg veins and advice from Dr Heather McCallum (GP and aesthetic practitioner)