Soft Tissue Problems and Osteoarthritis
We all suffer from muscle sprains, aches and pains from time to time. Overuse of muscles/tendons or unaccustomed activity like a heavy day in the garden, doing DIY or engaging in a new sport can cause inflammation and pain. This leads to conditions such as tennis/golfer’s elbow, rotator cuff/shoulder tendonitis, hip bursitis and plantar fasciitis.
As we get older we can develop wear and tear in tendons and joints causing pain, stiffness and loss of function. Conditions such as osteoarthritis and trigger finger. Joint pain and stiffness can have such a negative impact on our lives and colder weather can affect joints and muscles as a change in atmospheric pressure increases pressure and pain inside the joints and muscles.
Keeping active, anti-inflammatory medications, heat packs, physio and steroid injections can all be used to treat these problems. And steroid injections are invaluable at reducing swelling, stiffness and pain so you can get on with life.
Steroid Injections
During your consultation Dr McCallum will take a full history, perform an examination and ask about any xrays or treatment you’ve already had. A steroid injection can be performed during this consultation but if Dr McCallum thinks that you require further investigation or onward referral to a hospital specialist – she may send you back to your GP.
A steroid solution (depomedrone) is mixed with a local anaesthetic and injected into the problem joint or soft tissue using a small needle. It causes minimal discomfort and while it’s good to rest on the day of the injection – you can return to normal activities or work the next day. The steroid starts to reduce inflammation and pain over a few days to 2 weeks.

Areas that can be treated:
✔big toe, thumb and finger joint arthritis
✔trigger finger
✔Dequervians tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel
✔knees, hips and shoulders
✔tennis and golfers elbow
✔plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis
Ostenil Injections
Traditionally steroid injections have been used to help relieve pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis but recent MEDICAL EVIDENCE now suggests that hyaluronic acid (HA) injections are MORE EFFECTIVE

OSTENIL® PLUS is a solution containing concentrated HA that has been developed specifically for the treatment of osteoarthritis. It can be injected into the KNEE, or any other SYNOVIAL JOINT (shoulder, hip, fingers, toes) to decrease pain and stiffness.
How does OSTENIL® PLUS work?
By injecting OSTENIL® PLUS into the JOINT SPACE, the HA SYNOVIAL FLUID barrier is restored and can help DECREASE PAIN and STIFFNESS
in the joint.
Treatment with OSTENIL® PLUS
These injections are usually performed by an orthopaedic surgeon in a hospital clinic following a referral by your GP but some GPs and physios who have received specialist training, like Dr McCallum can also perform these injections. It is unlikely you will notice any benefits straight away, but you should gradually begin to feel a reduction in pain and stiffness over the following FEW WEEKS, which is likely to continue for up to NINE months.

Dr Heather McCallum is a GP, ex-surgeon and fully trained in joint injections, so you’re in SAFE HANDS.