It’s a normal physiological response to sweat when we are too hot or we do exercise, but sweating excessively, even when our body is not warm is not a normal physiological response. This is termed “hyperhydrosis” or excess sweating and is due to overactive sweat glands.

Hyperhydrosis can be related to a medical condition such as diabetes or thyroid disease, or as a side effect of a medication. It can also happen for no obvious reason. Excessive sweating can affect any part of the body but predominantly affects under arms, hands, feet and face. For people with hyperhydrosis – it can be embarrassing, affect self confidence and interfere with their work and social life

Over the counter (OTC) antiperspirants and prescription strength antiperspirants from your GP can help block the sweat glands. There are also pads that can be worn in the armpits to absorb sweat. There are oral medications like oxybutanin and clonidine that can be prescribed by a GP or Dermatologist. However, these medications can cause side effects such as dry mouth and constipation.
If all of these treatments are ineffective, the good news is that the toxin normally used to treat lines/wrinkles can be injected into the skin to help.

The toxin blocks the nerves to the sweat glands, so they can no longer produce sweat.

applied beforehand if requested

Safe Hands
Dr Heather McCallum is an advanced aesthetic practitioner, ex surgeon and practising GP. A full history and examination will be completed so she can advise on the best option for your hyperhydrosis and whether there may be an underlying cause that requires investigation . You’re in safe hands at SkinGenius