Intralipotherapy – Desobody and Desoface
We all have wobbly bits we can’t get rid of no matter how much we diet and exercise. Intralioptherapy means injecting a chemical into fat to treat it. The chemical is called deoxycholic acid and it breaks fat down by destroying the cell wall. The fat cell then releases its fatty contents, which are absorbed by our lymphatic system and expelled in our waste. And the best bit is that these fat cells are gone PERMANENTLY😀.
Desobody and Desoface are the latest generation of intralipotherapy agents, and are more effective and safer than their older counterparts like Aqualyx.

By injecting Deso into just the wobbly bits, the fat is dissolved exactly where we want and the body is sculpted. Permanently. Common areas for stubborn pockets of fat include bingo wings, inner thighs, love handles, chin, tummy and back.
Deso Procedure
Deso is mixed with a local anaesthetic to make injections more comfortable. It is injected using a long needle or blunt tipped cannula (tube) and tiny amounts are injected as the needle/cannula is moved through the fat pocket. The procedure:
👍takes 20-30 minutes
👍is minimally invasive/only mild discomfort
👍little to no downtime but mild swelling, bruising and discomfort are common in the first 2-3 days
👍results seen in 2-3 weeks
👍some areas require 1 or 2 treatments – larger/thicker areas require 4 or more

Chin, jowls and neck
This is a very common area to use Deso and a little goes a long way here. A smaller cannula/needle and smaller amounts of Deso are used in this delicate area.
Desobody can be used in a range of areas. Tummy and love handles are the most common treatment areas but bingo wings, thighs, bums, knees and bra fat can all be targeted with Deso. It can also be used to treat lipomas, which are small benign fatty lumps.